The accountants at the Udall CPA Group work with various sizes of law firms ranging from sole practitioners to large regional law practices.
Typical law practices experience fluctuating profits throughout the year. As a result, it is important that our partners maintain contact with our law practice clients throughout the year to prepare tax projections and identify opportunities to minimize taxes.
As an added service, the Udall CPA group assists clients in creating a financial team to provide services, such as accounting and payroll, so our clients can focus on their practice.
The Udall CPA Group assists law firms with the implementation of a solid retirement plan that meets the goals and objectives of the law firm's owners.
Unlike other tax firms, our unrivaled service is not limited strictly to tax season. A partnership is formed and support advice and professional opinions will be offered every step of the way - year round.
The goal is to identify areas of both personal and business finances that can benefit from opportunities to minimize taxes, increase profitability and, consequently, increase value.
Dedication to your practice is promised, and our entire team will work diligently to achieve our common goal - success.
Examples of the services the Udall CPA Group provides to our law firm clients include:
- Tax planning and projections
- Compensation planning
- Retirement plan implementation
- Structuring to minimize taxes
- Review and tax analysis of buy sell agreements
- Estate and succession planning